Power Lag Pro and Flatwrist Combo Training Aids


Power Lag Pro and Flatwrist Combo Training Aids

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The Power Lag Pro trains your hands to maximize club lag for more power and consistency. The Power Lag Pro golf training aid provides immediate feedback when your wrist is fully cocked.

The Flat Wrist Pro golf swing trainer is guaranteed to improve your impact and consistency. The Flat Wrist pro trains your hands to hit down on the ball and square the club face for a more powerful impact position. The Flat Wrist Pro is also great for chipping and full shots.

Power Lag Pro Features:
PowerLagPro is the only training aid that is specifically designed to train your Right or Left hand depending if you are R/L handed golfer
Comes with a wrist strap
Can be used for both left and right handed golfer
Guaranteed to add 20-30 more yard to your driver

Flat Wrist Pro Features: 
Easily slides inside your golf glove
Comes with a removable wrist strap which can be used for added feedback 
Comes with detachable WristFace Guide
WristFace Guide: give you visual feedback as to where your hands are before, during and past impact
Can be used for both left and right handed golfer

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